At the beginning of his career, Cappiello devoted all of his time to caricature. Then, very soon he turned away from it to make posters with an equally resounding success.
His notoriety reached such a level that everyone was calling upon him to make book and magazine covers, to make invitations, etc. During the First World War he illustrated charity sales programs or charity shows. His signature meant a guaranteed success.
This is how he came to show that he was also an excellent illustrator.
Some of his more important work shows us the extent of his talent:

‘La Princesse de Babylone‘
(The Princess of Babylon)
by Voltaire
Book illustrations
‘Faux Départ’ (False Start) by Alfred Capus (1902), published by Editions de La Revue Blanche. ‘La Carrière d’ André Tourette’ (The carrier of André Tourette) written by his brother-in-law Lucien Mühlfeld (1907), published by Arthème Fayard. ‘La Princesse de Babylone’ (The Princess of Babylon) by Voltaire (1928), published by Edition Javal et Bourdeaux. ‘Le Miroir à Deux Faces’ (The Two-sided Mirror) by Jacques Boulenger (1933), published by Edition Le Divan. The works of Rimbaud illustrated just before his death remain incomplete and unpublished (1941)…
Book covers
‘Le Poète Assassiné’ (The Poet Assassinated) by G. Apollinaire (1916), published by L’Edition, ‘Trois Comédies’ (Three Comedies) by Paul Géraldy and Robert Spitzer published by Stock, ‘Contes & Fantaisies’ (Tales & Fantasies) by G. Courteline, published by La Librairie Felix Juven,…
Music score covers
‘Frasquita’ by Franz Lehar, published by Max Eshig, ‘Amour Flétrie’ (Withered Love) by Rodolphe Berger, published by Enoch & Cie ‘Fremito d’Amore’ (Thrill of Love) by Alfredo Barbirolli, published by Emile Gallet,…
Magazine covers
Le Cri de Paris, Vendre, Miroir du Monde, …
Between the covers of Le Cri de Paris in 1900 and those of the Miroir du Monde of March 21, 1936, we can measure, over 40 years, the whole evolution of his art as an illustrator. We start off with pretty silhouettes in motion, and end with a solid collection of work, balanced but still with a touch of fantasy.